Гаражни врати
Како суштински дел од секоја зграда, гаражните врати мора да комбинираат високи перформанси со пријатна естетика. Тие генерално го обезбедуваат најголемиот отвор низ кој може да дојде до загуба на топлина и, во просек, ќе треба да се отвораат и затвораат повеќе пати на ден. Alla Kompani има подготвено широк асортиман на сигурни производи кои ќе траат со години и ќе бидат задоволство да се погледне и да се поддржи модерната автоматизација.
Станбени и индустриски
Sectional garage doors are utterly convenient, offer maximum security and allow best possible use of the space. They are comprised of individual elements, so-called sections, connected by hinges, which make it possible to roll the door up or down vertically and to slide it conveniently underneath the ceiling without it swinging outwards in front of the garage and thus taking up space.
So you gain additional space in front of the garage, where you might want to park a second car, for example. And garages located near roads or pavements do not put pedestrians at risk and the traffic keeps flowing. Garage doors with electrical operators always leave the full passage height clear – which is ideal for tall vehicles, such as SUVs or vans.
Appearance-wise, sectional garage doors leave nothing to be desired, either: high-quality materials, top-quality processing and a wide variety of additional fittings give each garage an individual look – in keeping with the architecture of the house and your personal taste.
Accesories & Aditional
5 Years Warranty
Exterior Color: White / Anthrazite
Model: Ribbed – Lined
Thickness: 40 mm
Density: 48-50 Kg / m³
Panel Height: 500 mm and 610 mm
EPDM sealing gasket between panels
Finger safe protection
Top and bottom painted steel plate sheet
Sheets are interlocked in four layers
CFC Free polyurethane
Wooden pattern embossing